Sunday, February 15, 2009

First 24 hours in Japan

So....I'm gonna start this blog promises I will keep up with it, but I will try.

My first day here I was lucky enough to get a ride from the airport from my new friend Tomo.  Big thanks to Keri and Mario for setting that meeting up!!  Once I got to my new town, Katsutadai, I met my co-worker Miki at the offices for my school and she brought me to my apartment. She showed me how to use my appliances and shower then left.  My new neighbor/co-worker Gail stopped by while Miki was showing me stuff and asked me over for a drink after I was done.  She is super rad and I have her to thank for my wireless internet connection.  After our drink I came home and went to 9pm.  
I ended up waking up at 5am and unpacked my suitcases. By 8am I
heard my neighbor Natasha up so I went to hang out with her for awhile.
It turns out she will be leaving in a month so she is hooking me up
with a bunch of furniture and other stuff for my apartment. I am
super stoked on meeting her because she is really nice and she is
saving me from a bunch of shopping.

At 10:30 I met up with Gail and she walked me into town. Once we 
got to the train station we parted ways and she directed me to a
store where I could find an adapter for my computer cord. The
plugs here work the same, but you do have to get an adapter for 3 
prongs. I found the store and after searching through bins of
random stuff for about 30 minutes I found what I was looking for.
The store was actually pretty cool and had aisles and aislea of 
used electronics.

After getting the adapter I walked home and was very proud of myself
that I didn't get lost. There are no street signs! I tried to nap
when I got home but I was too hungry and gave up and walked back
into town to find something. This was a challenge as well. The first
shop I came across was rad. It was all little snack cracker/sweet
things and when I walked in they brought me a cup of hot tea and
two candies that tasted like a fortune cookie but were tiny and pink.
I ended up buying some kind of dried pea/cracker/peanut mix in
individual bags because I was confused and it looked pretty good.
When I left they had me crank the handle on this thing and 1 marble
came out so I got to choose a free grab bag. This was cool, but I
still needed to find real food. I remembered seeing York Mart, which
is where Keri recommended I do my shopping, so I headed there. After
about 30 minutes of walking around I ended up with 6 eggs, a bag of
those crispy baked sugar snap peas, a salad from the deli, and some
weird ramen thing.  

This was my first 24 hrs here.


  1. i don't know what happened to the spacing. I tried to fix it. what. evs.

  2. I'm so glad everything went smoothly for you. I can't wait to read up on how things are going. You are so lucky.

  3. Sounds like you had a pretty decent first day. I hope you keep up with the blog! I want to hear more!
