Friday, March 6, 2009


Another week gone by...well, almost.  This week work was MUUUCCCHHH easier.  I think I've got it down.  There are some kinks I need to work out and lots to learn, but I'm feeling really good about my job.  Not much happened besides work on Monday and Tuesday...Wednesday I went to dinner with Justine, Natasha, Nikki and Trever at Tsubahachi.  It was some delicious sushi, except for one piece of squid I got, it was YUCKY!  I also picked up my box from my family that day, Trevor was nice enough to carry it to the restauratn, and Natasha rode it in her basket on the way home.  It was pretty big so I was lucky to have the help.  In the box was my beloved bedding, a jacket, a bunch of tights, and that's about it.  It was almost $100 to ship it here!  That will be REAL nice when I have to send it home!

Thursday after work I hung out with my new friend/co-worker Jennifer.  She's coooool.  I helped her highlight her hair and we had a couple drinks. Then we headed to the train station with Jude, another co-worker, to meet to other co-workers, Eun Jong and Kesson.  We headed into Shibuya Tokyo to hit up some bars/clubs.  The first place we stopped was we decided to look for another place.  Some dude on the sidewalk gave us discount tickets to get into a club called Camelot.  IIt said on the tickets the discount was only good for "foreigners and females."  Pretty funny.  It was 1000 yen to get in, like $10...and you got two free drink coins, so it was pretty much free to get in.  The club was pretty cool, not somewhere I would normally go, but I had fun.  There was this drunk Japanese girls who was dancing all over me and telling me I was cute and she kept giving me her drink, whick was an oversized shot really.  She was cracking me up.  I danced with her and Eun Jong and Jennifer, it was fun.  It was just some upbeat house, kinda reminded me of being at a rave, so it was a little weird.  People kept buying bottles of champagne and passing them around, so more free drinks!  ha!  There was another room playing hip hop, but we didn't hang in there much.  It was bad radio hip hop, not anything very good.  After getting pretty toasted at that place we stumbled to the nearby McDonald's, there were some douchy dudes in there from Europe I think.  I wanted to tell them they were douchebags, but I didn't, hahaha.  I got a Big Mac and some fries, it seemed like the hugest amount of food cause it was american size.  Needless to say I didn't eat even half of it.  The smaller portions here have shrunk my appetite, which is fine with me.  There were a bunch of businessmen passed out at the tables in the McDonald's, it was pretty funny.

After that we headed back to the train station and I pretty much passed out til we transfered to another line.  Then I passed out again.  My group all got off 5 stops before my town in Kitaranashino, so the last leg home I was alone.  I totally passed out, but everyone on the train pretty much was.  I got home about 7 or 8 am and passed out til 2.  Then I got ready and got some late lunch at Pic Nic.  Delicious as usual.  I decided to go to the mall cause I was really wanting to buy something, I didn't care what.  When I got there I just milled around walking into every store for like an hour.  I bought a hat, that I decided was kind of a rip off, but whatevs.  It was originally 2400 yen, marked down to 1600, so like $16.  I guess that's not too bad.  Then I found some really cute black wedges that are super comfy!  I am lucky, cause the biggest size they make at most places is like an american 8, so I wasn't sure if they would even fit me.  But they do!  The were like 4000($40) yen, so not bad.  I stopped at the Kaldi's store and bought some peanut butter, yeah JIF!  I heard it was expensive here, but I only paid $3.50 for it, I think it was on sale.  I headed home after that, and that's where I am now.  I work tomorrow and Sunday, usually Sunday is my day off, too, but there are 3 extra work days in my contract throughout the year, so I am getting one out of the way now.  

Sayonara for now!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I need to get with it...

So...I am not a very good blogger.  I need to keep up with this thing AND I need to take more pictures.  

Sooo...this week went by pretty fast.  Monday my classes stressed me out, starting a new job is always intimidating.  Especially considering I am teaching people who don't even speak the same language.  Some of my adult classes are pretty advanced and we have some good conversations.  They ask me A LOT of questions.  I dig it.  My kids classes are freaking adorable.  I love hanging out with them and singing songs and what not.  They think I am hilarious cause I dance around like an idiot, so it's pretty good.  Some of the kids look sooooo BORED.  I feel bad about it.  But if I went to school all day and then had to go to learn at night I don't know how into I'd be either.  I am learning a lot from the other teachers on how to make my classes more fun.  

Tuesday I was at the school in classes were all pretty fun.  Wednesday I was at Yachiyo-Chuo...and those classes were all pretty good, too.  Thursdays I go to Kitaranashino...I don't know if I spelled that right, hahaha.  Fridays I'm off, Saturdays back at Kita, and Sunday I'm off.

Any-hoo...Friday night I went into Tokyo with my jawsome friend Natasha to watched her perform with her improv comedy group.  It was a lot of fun and there were a lot of people there to talk to who spoke English. That was nice. The first performance were these dudes in big white astronaut looking suits.  I think there were two dudes in each suit, but I'm not 100% sure.  I put a pic of it on myspace.  The dudes were doing all kinds of acrobatic stuff and dancing around.  Pretty hilarious.  Picture those halloween costumes that blow up, that's what these astronaut suits looked like, but bigger. It was crazy how many non-Japanese people I saw in downtown Tokyo...I am not used to it anymore.  Saturday night, I met up with Tomo (the rad dude who picked me up from the airport in exchange for american candy bars, hahaha!) and his friend and had some beers at a little dive near my place.  Tomo is Japanese, but he used to live in London so he speaks fluent English...with a British accent.  He is the jam.  After that bar closed we went to another bar/restaurant and met Natasha there.  We enjoyed some delicious Japanese whiskey...and I was feeling like doo doo all day today cause of it.  F U whiskey!  So, after laying around most of the day and reading Lolita, watching youtube videos and nursing my hangover, I ventured out to buy some groceries.

I ran into Natasha on the way and we talked for a few and made plans to hang out after she had a nap.  On the way to the store I decided to get dinner at Pic Nic since I hadn't eaten all day.  It was delicious as usual...this time I got some pasta and a salad.  

My trip to the grocery store was a little more successful this time...I got a bunch of vegetables to make salads for lunch during the week, some bananas, snapea crisps, english muffins, eggs, apple and orange juice, yogurt, cheese, and some other random crap I can't remember.  Carrying it home was a pain in the's only like a 15 minute walk, but all the drinks I bought were stinking heavy.  My shoulders were killing me when I got home.  Next time I am only buying stuff that is lightweight, hahaha.  

Well, back to work I will say Sayonara for now!